The Premier League is deeply saddened by the contents of Clive Sheldon QC’s Independent Review into Child Sexual Abuse in Football and our thoughts are with all those affected.
The League recognises the bravery and extraordinary courage shown by the victims and survivors who have come forward. We are sorry for the abuse and pain suffered and acknowledge the lasting impact this has had on all those who have been harmed and their loved ones.
Having considered the review – which relates to events between 1970 and 2005 - we accept the findings and insight it provides. The Premier League is committed to working in partnership with our clubs and their community organisations, The FA, statutory agencies and other key partners to address the conclusions and recommendations which will further strengthen safeguarding arrangements across the game.
The Premier League has long-standing rules in place which govern our clubs. We will continue to prioritise the implementation of robust and effective safeguarding measures to promote and protect the safety and welfare of children, young people and adults at risk.
However, there is no room for complacency. We regularly assess our safeguarding arrangements. These reviews include independent scrutiny and take changes in legislation and statutory guidance into account as well as current best practice and learnings from reviews in and out of sport.
NSPCC helpline for adult victims and survivors of football-related childhood abuse: 0800 023 2642. For more information about the support available, click here.
The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) also have a helpline for any victims and survivors of childhood abuse (0808 801 0331) or click here.
Club and Premier League safeguarding teams can be contacted for advice or to raise a concern. Click here for more information.